Dress Code Policy-Shorts
Dear Parents,
As we are nearing a change in the weather I would like to remind you of the dress code as it is stated in the student hand book:
“Dress for school is to be modest. Students are encouraged to dress in a neat and attractive manner that reflects pride in themselves and their school. We rely on parents’ good judgement as to what students should wear. Students should not wear tank tops, midriff tops, oversized baggy pants, and T-shirts with advertising (such as Coors, etc.) or objectionable sayings on the front or back.
Students will be allowed to wear shorts during hot weather in the Fall and Spring. Shorts should be loose fitting. The shorts should be at least as long as the tips of the student’s fingers when the student hangs his/her arms to his/her side. The exact dates for wearing shorts will be determined and set by school administration.
Students should not wear tight fitting leggings unless tops/skirts/shorts are also worn and are at least as long as the tips of the student’s fingers when the student hangs his/her arms to his/her sides.
Do not wear flip-flops to school/ If sandals are worn they must have support for the foot.
If students come to school in violation of the school dress code, parents will be contacted to bring a change of clothes."
Please pay close attention to the dress code above before sending your child to school.